Hey guys. Another noobies tutorial!!!!! First, an intro. My latest app just been approved by Apple so I guess I will write about that (HA!! :P) The app is called QuikFlix. It is a movie database app. I made the app because I needed it. I was always trying to find old movies that I want to watch. For example, particularly, I wanted to find top/popular comedy movies in 2013. How do you go about finding that? Google works I guess. But navigating in browser really sucks. So I created QuikFlix with all the features that I WANT: Search movies by Genre, Year and Popularity. Plus, I added main casts list in there with movie synopsis. And you can easily see photo of the cast by tapping on their name. AND I also create a simple WishList so you can add movies you want to watch in this list. AND!!! I also added theme color. It is free app check it out here:
I used TheMovieDB.com public API for this app. Their API is really good in my opinion. You can do a lot more actually (like have user accounts, rating ability).
Anyway intro finished, Lets begin tutorial. :D Here is what we're gonna make:
Cool huh? Btw, the more accurate title for this tutorial is "How to Subclass / Inherit an Object", but those words are intimidating aren't they? What does subclass means?